5 Tips to Avoid Viruses and Keep your Child Free of Illness

Handwashing is one of the most highly recommended ways to avoid viruses. Especially during a time when the world is faced with this global pandemic.

Coronavirus is a highly contagious disease that spreads quickly to anyone exposed to droplets from an infected person. It causes flu-like symptoms leading to severe pneumonia and can be fatal to some. Especially infected people who already have a weakened immune system.

The spread has been going on so quickly that it’s become a global concern.

We all want to keep our families, especially our kids, strong and healthy. We want to make sure their body is equipped to fend off various diseases and that they have an immune system strong enough to keep themselves free from illness. 

Here are five tips to avoid viruses and keep your child free of illness. 

Teach your children about proper hand washing

You’ve got to trust the health experts on this one. Proper, frequent hand washing helps prevent the spread of germs and is still the best weapon to keep illnesses at bay.

It doesn’t have to take much of your time either! 20 seconds — that’s all it takes to keep our hands clean. So encourage your child to build this habit by teaching your kids how to properly wash their hands. 

You can even make the experience fun by inviting your kids to sing some familiar tunes while washing their hands. Try the ABC’s song, Happy Birthday, or almost any sing-along nursery rhyme.

Feed your child a well-balanced diet

What better way to keep your child’s immune system strong than feeding them a well-balanced diet and making healthy food choices?

Eating healthy means opting for more natural sources of nutrition. Start by picking fruits and vegetables that include vitamins C and D to help boost their immune system. Avoid food that use preservatives and other harmful additives in the ingredients.

A super-easy rule of thumb to follow: Let them snack as much as they want on foods that have only a single ingredient. That includes fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, rice, beans, etc.

Make your child’s meals as colorful and interesting as possible by using various nutritious fruits and veggies in the meals you prepare for them.

No surprise, they’ll soon get used to enjoying healthy meals without any fuss. 

Discourage sharing of personal items

Although sharing is generally a great thing, it isn’t always the case with your child’s personal belongings. Sharing such things as utensils, cups, towels and the like can be a pathway for sharing germs. Discourage sharing of personal-use items such as these and always clean them properly before use. 

We’ve heard the saying, Prevention is better than cure. Keep your child safe by instilling in them good hygiene practices. These can protect them from contracting harmful viruses or spreading them among their friends.

Sharing can still come in many forms. Just teach them to avoid those that involve personal items. 

Keep their hands clean—sanitize!

When you don’t have access to soap and water, hand sanitizers are a convenient way to keep your child’s hands clean. Find a solution that has 60%-70% alcohol concentration. If hand sanitizers aren’t available, rubbing alcohol in spray containers can also be a great option.

Germs can remain on surfaces for varying periods of time so it’s not a bad idea to spray alcohol on surfaces before touching them or setting food down on them.

You can cough or sneeze, but cover up!

There are times when we can’t hold off a cough or a sneeze in public. That’s okay, but for the safety of everyone around, it’s best to keep a tissue handy when going out. And be sure to dispose of them properly after use.

Serious respiratory illnesses such as the flu and other viruses are normally transmitted through droplets floating in the air when someone coughs or sneezes. This is why we need to cover up.

If a disposable tissue isn’t available, it is advised to cough into your elbow or on the sleeve of your shirt. Avoid doing it directly on your hands.

Adopting healthy habits doesn’t have to be difficult. As long as you are willing to give your children support,  encouragement and guidance, establishing healthy habits in your child can be simple. For more parenting tips and resources, or if you’re looking for a good quality preschool for your little one, please contact Launchpad Early Education


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