6 Parenting Hacks for Handling Back-to-School Stress

It’s back-to-school season once again. While some people find this to be an exciting time, for some others the back-to-school season can be bittersweet. Even though many parents and kids look forward to the beginning of classes, as children reunite with friends and say hello to a new school year packed with new learning, some of us can’t help but feel anxious, too. This feeling is perfectly normal. Back-to-school stress is common for children and families as we once again deal with the transition back to school routines and schedules.

While there may be a variety of reasons why parents and kids experience some degree of stress and anxiety as the new school year approaches, the good news is that there are ways to effectively deal with back-to-school stress. Here are some parenting hacks you might find useful!

Discuss it

One of the best ways to deal with school-related stress and anxiety is to talk it through with your child. Help to set their expectations and at the same time, ask them how they feel about going back to school. If your child expresses feelings of worry or anxiety, ask what is causing these feelings. Discuss and acknowledge how your child feels and try to shift his or her mindset to focus on the positive things. 

Highlight the fun and exciting that will come once your child is back at school, such as playing with friends and engaging in fun learning activities.

Foster feelings of comfort

Another reason why some children feel worried about returning to school is the adjustment to the school environment. This is especially true for kids who are going to school for the first time. 

To help your little one become familiar with the new environment, it helps to set the expectations early on. Talk about what your child can expect at the new school year, or better yet, see if it’s possible to go for a visit to the school. This will help build your child’s comfort level and even help him or her look forward to starting school. 

Stay positive

Keeping a positive attitude will benefit both you and your child, and this is something that should start from you. You can’t radiate positivity and enthusiasm about school if your mindset and attitude are the opposite. Embrace this transition with optimism, as you focus on the new milestones that you and your little one will be able to unlock this year. Remind your child what makes school great and exciting. Show excitement about picking out new supplies and clothes for the new school year. Exuding enthusiasm will help your child pick up your positive energy and turn those negative feelings into excitement.

Reassure them

Like adults, kids also need to feel reassured. Let your child know you’re in this together. Assure children that they aren’t the only ones experiencing back-to-school stress and anxiety. It helps to know they won’t have to face it alone. 

If you can, try to arrange playdates and invite some of your child’s friends over. You can even arrange “virtual playdates” online.  Reconnecting with friends and old classmates is a good way to help alleviate anxiety and help your child start the year on the right foot. 

Make your presence felt

It is more important than for your child to feel that you’re there for him or her every step of the way, especially during these first few days and weeks. Make it a point to be present, not only before your child leaves for school, but also when he or she gets home, if possible. Ask your child about his or her day and encourage him or her to share the events and activities during the day at school. 

Create exciting traditions

Another excellent way to beat back-to-school stress is by creating exciting traditions for your family. Plan some fun activities, and schedule them either before the school week starts or by the end of the school week. For instance, you can have a family movie night scheduled every Friday, or a pizza party on Sundays. This way, your little one always has something to look forward to instead of dreading school.

The start of the school year can be a challenging time for both kids and parents. But with the help of these tips, you can beat back-to-school stress and enjoy a smoother transition as your child embarks on a new adventure!

For more tips on parenting, or if you’re looking for the best preschool for your little one, please visit Launchpad Early Education





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