6 Ways That Playful Parenting Can Help You Raise Well-Adjusted and Successful Kids

The parenting journey isn’t always a walk in the park. It can be overwhelming being faced with the task of raising happy children, enforcing discipline, instilling  manners and positive values, ensuring our children’s health and wellness, and securing a quality education. All these things bring their own specific challenges. No matter how difficult and complicated it may seem, parenting can also be a very rewarding journey. In fact, parenting can become less stressful when playful parenting is incorporated. 

But what is “playful parenting” all about? What does it really mean?

Playful parenting is an approach to parenting that encourages parents to engage with their children through fun and creative interactions. When you engage in playful parenting with your little one, it can foster deeper connections and stronger bonds between parents and children. This approach to parenting can also help raise successful kids. 

While playing plays a crucial role in the development of children, engaging in play with your child can enrich their growth and development as they become successful individuals. Here’s how!

Playful parenting helps boost children’s confidence

Adults aren’t the only ones who suffer from self-doubt and grapple with self-esteem. Young kids go through the same struggles. The good news is that engaging in playful parenting with your child can help to counteract these types of challenges. Engaging in fun play with your little one is an excellent way to boost his or her confidence, especially if you allow your child to “win” occasionally. 

Playful parenting provides a venue for children’s self-expression

Not all children are as comfortable as others when it comes to expressing their feelings, thoughts and emotions… especially with their parents. They may feel shy, embarrassed, afraid or even uncomfortable. But these walls can be broken through playful parenting. 

When you take time to sit with your kids and join them during their playtime, you’re also encouraging them to open up to you. They feel more comfortable and bonded with you, which can reduce their inhibitions when it comes to expressing their thoughts or emotions.

Playful parenting can help children overcome shyness and fear

Some kids are naturally shy and less comfortable socializing with others. If you notice your child exhibiting this type of behavior, you may need to incorporate playful parenting in your approach. Playful parenting encourages children to leave their comfort zone and express even complex emotions such as shyness and fear. It can provide children with a safe and comfortable space in which they can better understand their own emotions and discuss their thoughts and feelings with a trusted adult.

Playful parenting makes children feel safe and wanted

While it is the parents’ primary role to meet the basic and essential needs of their children, making children feel loved and wanted is equally important. When you take the time  to play with your little one, you are also communicating that they are wanted. You are letting them know that you enjoy these precious moments with them, which helps them feel secure in your love. 

Parents usually wear several “hats” and perform several roles as they navigate each day. Balancing the demands of work and home can be a challenge. However, you can still carve out even small amounts of quality time to play with your child. It’s essential that your child doesn’t feel ignored or taken for granted. Make it a point to find time to be with them and play together, because this is one of the best ways to make them feel that they matter. 

Playful parenting fosters social skills

The development of positive social skills is vital as young kids begin to encounter healthy interactions and relationships in all facets of life. Through playful parenting, their social skills are further cultivated and enriched.

While it’s important that we allow our children adequate time for independent play, it’s equally essential that we join them during their playtime, too. This provides them a venue for learning how to interact appropriately with others. It’s also an excellent way to help young children prepare  for daycare centers and preschools, where they will have the opportunity to interact with other peers. 

Playful parenting strengthens parent-child relationships

Parenting is no easy journey. It’s not easy to instill in kids positive and appropriate behavior habits. However, doing so can be made easier through playful parenting. Playful parenting allows for a deeper parent-child connection and bonding. It provides a venue that makes it easier for parents to engage with their child and at the same time, guide them through learning the appropriate behaviors that will set them on the path to future success. 

It isn’t easy being a parent as we juggle the many responsibilities we encounter while trying to strike a balance between the demands of career and home. Remember  to make time for the things that matter most, such as your relationship with your child. You can ensure that  your little one feels safe and loved as you help them develop into happy, well-adjusted, and successful individuals through playful parenting. 

For more helpful parenting resources, please visit Launchpad Early Education


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