6 Simple and Practical Tips for Picky Eaters

Your child sits at the dining table and stares at his or her food because of the color or texture. Maybe your little one pushes all of the veggies to the side of the plate and will only eat the chicken or other meat. These are all familiar scenarios to many parents of picky eaters.

Picky eating is a common behavior in young kids. It’s part of the growing up process, especially when children begin to assert their independence. While this may be temporary, some parents worry that their kids aren’t eating enough food or getting the nutrients they need. You can’t force your child to eat, but there are a few ways to help you deal with your child’s picky eating habits. Here are some practical tips for picky eaters that you might find handy.

Don’t force it

One of the more common mistakes many parents make is forcing children to eat a meal or snack, even if they’re not hungry. If you push too hard to make your child finish his or her meal, it will only lead to a power struggle over food. Instead of looking forward to mealtime, they will associate it to anxiety and frustration.

Respect your child’s appetite and encourage kids to eat when they’re hungry. This doesn’t mean it’s advisable to allow them to skip lunch or dinner because they’re not starving. Instead, consider serving smaller portions of food rather than a large serving on the plate. Let kids ask for more when they feel like eating more.

Establish a routine when it comes to meals

While we want our kids to be aware of their own hunger cues, we also want to foster a schedule that encourages them to eat at the right times. One way to make this happen is by establishing a routine and sticking to it. Try to serve meals and snacks around the same times each day. Do not give your child a snack just before lunch or dinner time. Otherwise, kids will be more likely to lose their appetite and  not eat their meal.

Eat meals together as a family

Instilling healthy eating habits in kids starts at home. Model healthy eating habits for your little one by enjoying meals together as a family whenever possible. Make sure family mealtimes are free of distractions, which means turning off the TV and putting away other electronic gadgets. When it comes to preparing meals, be sure to serve a make one dish for the whole family. Don’t enable picky eating by serving a different meal for your child, just because he or she refuses to eat what you’ve made for the family. The goal is to encourage children to eat a balanced and nutritious meal.

Get creative

Who says dealing with a picky eater always has to be a struggle? By injecting a little fun and creativity into your meal prep, you can make food more appealing and enticing for your little one.

For example, when introducing vegetables, use a variety of bright colors and arrange them in fun ways on the plate so that they look visually attractive. You can also cut them into fun shapes that your little one will easily identify. Don’t forget to serve those veggies with their favorite sauce or dip!

Include your child in the cooking process

Instead of making all of the decisions pertaining to food shopping and meal planning on your own,  you can ask your child to help. From grocery shopping to meal preparation and cooking, kids will be more likely to eat healthy when they’re involved.

Let kids tag along on your next trip to the grocery store. Allow them to help you select fruits, vegetables, and other healthy food items. At home, encourage your kids to help you prep meals and cook. Let your child choose which veggies he or she would like to have for dinner. Allow kids to pick out which fruits they’d like to have for a healthy snack. You can even make it more fun and exciting by creating kid-friendly recipes together!

Be a positive role model

There’s no better way to model healthy eating habits than by setting a positive example when it comes to your own eating habits. Encourage children to choose healthy food options by allowing them to observe you eating healthy foods too. Show them how you eat your vegetables and finish what’s on your plate. At the same time, if you’re trying to monitor your child’s intake of junk food, it’s best if he or she doesn’t see you binge-eating unhealthy foods.

Picky eating may be a common behavior for many kids, but you don’t have to endure constant power struggles over food in your home. You can end this dilemma and ensure that your little one is getting all of the nutrients he or she needs by following these tips for picky eaters.

For more tips on parenting, or if you’re looking for the right preschool for your child, please visit Launchpad Early Education.


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