5 Fun Learning Activities to Keep your Child Busy at Home

A tremendous amount of learning takes place at school, inside the four corners of the classroom. But school isn’t the only place where your child can learn. 

During school closures, you can also turn your home into a fun learning place. But it doesn’t mean that everything needs to feel like a classroom lesson. In fact, you can help spark and nurture their lifelong love for learning if you try to be a bit creative!

Read on and learn about some exciting and fun learning activities to keep your child busy while learning at home!

Practice their writing

Writing is one of the fundamental and most important skills young kids need to develop. Because they will be using this skill throughout their life, it’s imperative that children learn methods that go beyond using paper and pencil in practicing letters. 

Let them scribble, let them draw, let them connect dots. Make it even more fun by using other materials such as playdoh. Have them write on a sandbox. Let them practice letters using paint. Let them get messy! This would be a better way to help them memorize the alphabet while having fun!

Have fun with math and counting

We often hear how some students abhor math as a subject. But the reality is that it’s an easy subject to learn because it’s all around us. Help your little one develop an affinity toward math by teaching them numbers early on!

If your child doesn’t know how to count yet, give them hands-on projects that will give them practice counting. Use objects for them to count and let them touch these objects. As they progress, continue to give them random exercises using random things at home. For example, you can ask them how many plates are on the table or how many bottles of juice are in the fridge.

When they have mastered counting, you can take your math lessons up a notch by introducing addition and subtraction. You can use their toys, objects they see around the house, and everything they can see and touch that makes learning math more practical and fun!

Try kid-friendly science experiments

If you think science experiments always have to involve chemicals that could potentially explode, worry not! There’s an extensive range of kid-friendly science experiments your little one can try at home!

In fact, a lot of these experiments involve materials you can find right in the comfort of your home and don’t require much effort on your part. For example, you can experiment with rainbow colors in a glass using Skittles. Or explain to your child the water cycle by creating rain inside a jar. Or show how melting and freezing happens simply by freezing ice cubes and taking them out of the freezer and leaving them to melt. 

There are a lot of experiments you can explore and turn into fun learning opportunities. You might find yourself learning a thing or two, as well!

Explore musical activities

Exposure to music benefits children in many different ways. Besides cultivating their academic and social skills, learning music teaches kids determination and patience. It boosts their self-esteem and provides an excellent means for self-expression.

While school is out, one of the fun learning activities your child may enjoy is learning a musical instrument. Or learning new songs. Or other musical activities that will help instill their love for music. Who knows, this might just spark a penchant for music they will carry with them throughout their lives. 


The importance of reading in children cannot be discounted. It develops their language and literacy skills and supports cognitive development. Because reading skills play an important role in a child’s success in academics and life in general, parents are strongly encouraged to get their kids into the habit of reading.

This is the best time to help them develop a lifelong love for reading. Make time for reading every day. Read them stories before bedtime or any chance you get. Surround the house with books and fun reading materials.

Besides watching TV or playing with their electronic gadgets, there are plenty of other fun learning activities your child can enjoy during school closures and the ones on this list are some of those you can try. 


For more helpful parenting tips or if you’re looking for the best childcare center for your little one, please visit Launchpad Early Education


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