4 Ways to Stay Productive When Working from Home with Children

Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular option especially for working parents, and it’s no wonder why. This setup offers a lot of perks such as schedule flexibility and the chance to spend more time with family and kids. It allows you to be more involved in your child’s life as you can join them during mealtimes, supervise their activities, and have unlimited play time with them.

But while this arrangement offers several wonderful benefits, it has a few downsides, too. It isn’t always going to be perfect. In fact, it can be stressful at times. It won’t always be easy to focus when you have a toddler crying over spilt food or when your kids are fighting because no one wants to share their toys. 

So how do you stay productive when you’re working from home with your kids in close proximity?

Set expectations

Whether you’re working remotely or working in a normal office setup, clear communication is important. It’s essential in every type of job. When you’re working from home, it’s imperative that you let your boss know of your challenges as well as the things that will make work easier for you. 

Focusing on your tasks may not be as easy when you add kids to the mix and you have to let your boss know that. Set expectations and communicate that you have children at home. This way, they won’t be surprised if some conversations are interrupted. Try to discuss options that will help ensure your efficiency at work despite the situation such as an option for a flexible schedule. 

Also, do the same thing with your kids. If your children are old enough to understand, make them understand how important it is for you to focus on your work. Ask them to help you become productive by not interrupting when you’re trying to get things done. Tie it back in ways they can understand, such as explaining that your work is what allows you to buy things like food and toys. If they don’t allow you to work, you may not be able to keep doing those things.

Plan out your schedule

Privileged to work on a flexible schedule? This is your chance to be creative to maximize your work hours and increase productivity!

Plan out your working schedule based on the activities of your kids throughout the day. Which time during the day are your kids most occupied? What time do they usually need you or bug you for playtime? What hours can you actually work with minimal interruptions?

If your kids are busy with their toys after breakfast, make the most of these hours in the morning to get some things done. Then you can enjoy lunch time with them. In the afternoon, you can get back to work while they go take their naps.

Resist the temptation to check your social media accounts or procrastinate when you have time to yourself to work.

Give your kids activities that require minimal supervision

Another excellent strategy to stay productive when working from home is to keep your kids busy while you yourself are busy. Give them activities that require less supervision but make sure these activities are age-appropriate. For toddlers, you can try to keep them busy with educational online games and apps. If they’re older and they know how to read, you can provide them with reading materials to keep them busy. Also consider allowing them 30 minutes to an hour of screen time to have virtual playdates or to watch educational or positive shows.

Have curious kids who want to be involved? Employ them as your “work assistants”. Give them a project (real or pretend) and ask them to help you with your work. Maybe they create a client report with crayons or do some research for you. If they feel like they are helping, prepare to be amazed at how engaged they will become!

Establish a routine and stick to it

It’s not going to be easy in the first few days or the first week or two. This is where a well-established routine comes in. Feel free to do trial and error while you’re starting to navigate this new arrangement. Find out what works best for you and your family, which hours you can be most productive as well as the hours your kids are most occupied or least interruptive.

Once you find your rhythm, stick to the routine that works. Train your kids to follow the same routine, too, so that they know what’s expected of them. However, be sure to incorporate a variety of fun activities in their day instead of resorting to letting them stay glued to TV and other devices for the whole day.

Working from home is an ideal option for parents who want to spend more time with their kids. But since it’s not always going to be easy, you can make use of these strategies to make your new situation easier and ensure your productivity when working with children.


For more helpful parenting resources or if you’re looking for the best childcare center for your child, please feel free to visit Launchpad Early Education


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